Friday, October 30, 2009

The Lindsay Song

I wrote and recorded this back when Lindsay and I were dating. It never hit the charts, but it must've hit the heart. She married me.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I didn't teach her this.

A couple of Grace quotes:

(at the grocery store, after turning down an aisle)"Mommy!!! They have diarrhea here!!!...I mean, they have tortillas!"

(in response to my statement of surprise at the--eh hem--volume in the toilet when Grace was done)

G: "There are five of them."
D: "There are five?"
G: "Five poops. They're a family."

Monday, October 12, 2009

No More Mr. Lice Guy!

Radio Nowhere

This is radio nowhere. Is there anybody who's alive out there?