Today is a momentous day… not because we did anything super special, but because it monuments such a precious thing… your first year of life. With your first year of life came our first year as parents. Wow. When I reflect on our first year together, I think ‘isn’t it amazing how God can make things in life the very most challenging yet the very best experiences of our lives all at the same time!?’ That is how I feel about having you. You’re my sweet little pea and I love you to pieces. Even though much of this year has been a blur due to sleep deprivation and the adjustment to the biggest life change I have ever experienced, it has been the sweetest year of my life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I cannot believe all the ways you have grown. When you were born it was all I could do to keep you awake long enough to eat. Now you have more energy than I can chase. You climb all over the furniture. You love playing “boo” on the couch. You dance to your dad’s beat boxing. You sing into your play microphone. You do funny things to make us laugh and you join in with your own laughter. You put random things on your head because you think it’s amusing. You love being in mama and dada’s arms, yet you also love to explore. You say “what’s that”, “dada”, “uh-oh” and “no”. You clap your hands. You assert your opinions. You bang on the office door when dada is working. And you give hugs… to any and everything you feel affection for… your stuffed animals, your mom and dad, your little friends and even your sippy cup sometimes. I thank God for you multiple times a day and I thank Him for the countless lessons I have learned and continue to learn through you. I have learned about dependence upon Him for strength, feeling utter helplessness, about my selfish heart and my tired body. I have learned about His love for me and about my own parents’ love for me. I have learned that I have more love in my heart than I ever could have imagined. So thank you, Gracie Grace, for teaching me these lessons and bringing me the purest joy I could ever fathom. I love you and am so happy to celebrate this day with you. Happy Birthday!
Love, Mama
Claire sends her birthday love to you, Grace. We've so enjoyed watching you grow.
Thank you, Claire's giant! As Claire and I grow, your gigantism seems to be subsiding a bit.
Wow...has it already been a year? Congrats to your first year of being parents!! And Happy (Be)lated birthday!
Yep, I'm one years old! Thank you for the happy birthday wishes, Sukhee.
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