As you may know, humor is derived from the incongruities in life. Something has to be incongruous enough, and incongruous in the right way, to be funny. But it is possible, I think, to push the incongruity envelope too far, and you lose all connections and slide into complete randomness, which then doesn't make any sense and isn't funny.
We tried to push the incongruity envelope to the edge--so far that some may think the humor is lost. But we think it's there. It's dangling on the edge. But it's there conceptually. If there's a common thread in them, it's that the outcome is opposite of what is expected (irony). I won't be offended, though, if you don't find these funny. But please, read them slowly, contemplate, pay particular attention to the facial expressions, and enjoy the humor derived from the incongruity.
(For awhile, when my friend Chris and I thought something was funny and we laughed, we'd say, "How incongruous!")
(The comics below are small and hard to read so I've typed out the dialog below by frame)

1: My dad can beat up your dad
2: No he can't
3: Yes he can
4: I know

1: Well, look who we have here.
2: Wait a minute...Who are you?

1: Would you PLEASE just get out of my life
3: I love you so much

1: Do you wanna get some corn?
2: No. Do you wanna get out of my face?
3: Corn?
The first one is my favorite because I have that interaction with my brother ALL the time, but with different subjects (like video games)... Actually, now that I think about it, we used to say things like that about our parents too. People thought was even funnier because it was the same person.
There are three kinds of people in the world: those who understand sophisticated humor, those who don't understand good humor, and those who eat corn. Corn anyone?
Scott, it depends on what kind of corn you're talking about. I like the vegetable kind, not the feet kind.
Just for the record, I think these are freaking incongruous.
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