I don't mean to brag, but when I was in first grade I was pretty dang hardcore. Note the object tucked behind my belt in my school photo.(Sorry the picture's so small. It's the best I could do.)
Ok, ok. It's a switchcomb, not a switchblade. I wasn't allowed to bring the switchcomb to school, for obvious reasons, but I snuck it to school on picture day and shoved it in my belt just before the photographer snapped the shot. When I brought the proofs home a few weeks later my mom was horrified that her 6 year old son would do such a thing. She was embarrassed, but I was proud. I guess I've always been hardcore.
It's really no wonder then, that someone like you would be into cagefighting later in life.
This is without a doubt the greatest school photo of all time. Holly and I laughed out loud so hard when we saw this... You truly are hardcore. Perhaps you should wear a chain on your wrist or something...
So, the missing tooth kind of gives you that street fighter hardcore look--know what I mean?
I think so anyway
I'm glad you guys like my hardcore photo. Jason, I only wish I was wearing a bike chain bracelet in the photo too. Chris and Kim-- cagefighter, streetfighter...you name it. I've done it all. Well, not really.
You should have also rocked your nunchucks and ninja shoes in a photo.
I personally like the combination of hardcore switchcomb & preppy lacoste polo. hardcore prep! yeah! you clearly have always been hilarious.
Clearly you had come to the photo session right after a brawl, given your missing tooth. The confident smile shows that you won.
During his more difficult fights about 25 years ago, Chuck Norris would call on "Switchcomb Regan" to handle the "hardcore preppy boyeees!"
As we can see by this photo taken immediatly after a brawl, when you fight with Chuck Norris, versus against him, you always come out with smile! Maybe you'll be missing a tooth, but who cares, Chuck's worth it!
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