Seems like people are into "extreme" stuff, so much so that we have things like extreme sports, extreme snack foods (e.g. Extreme Doritos), extreme deodorant, and even the "Extreme Teen Bible". My friend Dan and I wanted to participate in the ethos of our day through "X-treme Living".
X-treme Reading

X-treme Sweeping

X-treme Typing

X-treme Nail Clipping

X-treme Sitting

X-treme Napping

X-treme Vacuuming
This is my extreme comment:
the vacuum shot rocks, but i think extreme napping sounds the most appealing to me!
You forgot extreme TV watching!
That was an awesome post. The expressions on your faces are hilarious.
That is pretty dang funny.
I think if you want something to be truly extreme you need to label it as such: "X-treme" That tends to accentuate how truly ON THE EDGE and AMAZING you are!!! Like my deoderant is clearly performing an "X-treme" function in my currently blase life of skiing, mountain biking, traveling, working with crazy high school kids and learning about kite-boarding.
Loved the post.
Bulldog! You are absolutely correct. I'm going to make the change to my post title right now. I appreciate your insight into X-tremeness.
Very nice! Perhaps you guys should start a faction extreme vacuuming group from the more mainstream (and less X-treme?) extreme ironing:
DUDE! You're crunching my Doritos! You forgot about X-Treme Fast Food... Such as the McBlowFish Sandwhich...
Long time my friend. Miss you.
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